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book presentation by Jorge j. Vega y Vega

Audio from the book presentation of La construction du sens dans le sonnet «Voyelles» d'Arthur Rimbaud by Dr. Jorge J. Vega y Vega held on 22 November 2024 at L'Espace L'Harmattan in Paris, France.

Read  the transcript of the book presentation​ (French)

Read the L'Harmattan's Invite with the full line-up of authors presented at the event (French)

La phrase à verbe être en latin (2023).jpg

book presentation by Jorge j. Vega y Vega

Audio from the book presentation on the work of Jules Marouzeau edited and delivered by Dr. Jorge J. Vega y Vega held on 15 June 2023 at the Bibliothèque de l'UFR de Langue Française de La Sorbonne.


Listen to the book presentation here

Conference paper by RUTH Z. YUSTE-ALONSO

Presentation titled "Off Course, Off the Narrative: Representations of Spanish Women's Migrants Stories in Perdiendo el norte (2015)" delivered at the 75th Annual Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference (KFLC) held on 23 April 2022 at the University of Kentucky (Lexington).


Conference Program (English)

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Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Keynote Presentation by Jorge J. Vega y vega

Keynote presentation titled "Des idées à la thèse: micro et macrostructures discursives pour organiser le travail de recherche", delivered at the VI Doctoral Seminar of the Doctoral Program in French Studies on 5 April 2019 at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)


Seminar Program (Spanish)

Conference paper by RUTH Z. YUSTE-ALONSO

Presentation titled "Intervenciones femeninas y feministas en el cine de Mar Coll y Leticia Dolera" given at the 50 Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA), Washington D.C. (Estados Unidos), on 23 March 2019.

Convention Program (English)


I conference on Literary Translation at ulpgc

Drs. Jorge J. Vega y Vega and Daniela Ventura Ragnoli organized the 1st Conference on Literary Translation at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria from February 28 to March 1st 2018 at the Obelisco campus. This exciting event welcomed guest speakers Jean-René Ladmiral and Helena Lozano Millares.

Program information (Spanish)

Logo - Université Paris-Sorbonne

talk by jorge juan vega y vega

Audio from the conference presentation delivered by Dr. Jorge J. Vega y Vega in French at the Conference "Cognition et expression linguistique du verb être," organized by Dr. Jean-Paul Brachet and held on 4 November 2017 in the Centre Alfred Ernout at Université de la Sorbonne (Paris-IV). 

00:00 / 19:58
00:00 / 20:03
00:00 / 20:08
00:00 / 17:37


Audio of the talk titled "Du verbe être: lexicographie, analogie, sémantique," presented at the Séminaire de Linguistique Analogique 2016-2017, on 27 February 2017 at the Université Paris-Sorbonne. 

PDF document presented at the talk (French)

conference paper by Alberto galván-santana

Conference paper titled "Vector space models of grammar: considerations around lexicography and mathematics for the visualization and acquisition of grammar", delivered at the 32th International Conference "Mind and Language", University of Rijeka (Croacia) on 4 May 2018.

Conference program (English/Croatian)

conference paper by RUTH Z. YUSTE-ALONSO

Conference paper titled "Like a Woman: A Feminist Analysis of Representation of Sportswomen in Nike's Da Da Ding campaign", delivered at the 15th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA), Belfast (Northern Ireland) on 20 July 2017.

Conference program (English)

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